Jumat, 08 Maret 2013

Persiapkan slackware untuk hacking wifi

Mempersiapkan notebook kita untuk hacking wifi, tentunya harus hardware kita harus support dengan monitoring mode. maksudnya, card wifi kita dapat membaca paket2 yang terbang bebas dan dapat dengan mudah melakukan aksi sniffing. Nah, tools yang dibutuhkan sangatlah familiar bagi hacker wifi, yaitu kismet dan digabungkan dengan aircrack-ng
Nah, anda tinggal install aja direktory aktif:

#install pkg *.tgz
Selanjutnya tinggal configurasi deh. Anggap saja kita tidak mempunyai documen atau tidak mempunyai bacaan tentang konfig kismet ini. Kita dapat memanfaatkan README dari kismet untuk konfigurasinya. Nah, biar gampang, update dlu DB agar dengan cepat mecari letak file. Misalnya letak file README kismet yang sudah terinstall. Cukup dengan perintah:

tunggu aja sampe selesai ya
Selanjutnya, cari de file readme dengan command :

#locate kismet | grep doc
 Nih hasilnya


Tingal baca de dengan less.

#less /usr/doc/kismet-2008_05_R1/README

Tujuannya, biar kita tau support atau tidaknya wifi kita. ntar yang perlu dicari yaitu dibagian driver dengan hardwarenya. nich yang perlu diperhatikan isi dari file tersebut.

Capture Sources
A capture source in Kismet is anything which provides packets to the Kismet
engine. Capture sources define the underlying engine needed to capture
data from the interface, how to change channel, and how to enter rfmon
mode. It is necessary to tell Kismet what specific type of card you use
because different drivers often use different methods to report information
and enter monitor mode.
Source type Cards OS Driver
————— ——————- ———– ————————-
acx100 TI ACX100 Linux ACX100 http://acx100.sourceforge.net/
ACX100 drivers handle the 22mbit cards branded by D-Link
and others.
admtek ADMTek Linux ADMTek http://www.latinsud.com/adm8211/ (Patches) http://aluminum.sourmilk.net/adm8211/ (GPL driver)
ADMTek drivers used in many consumer 802.11b cards. With
the patches above, quasi-rfmon is possible – these cards
appear to be almost entirely software controlled and
always in a rfmon-like state. This card WILL BROADCAST
while in rfmon, rendering the sniffer visible.
The fully GPL drivers are supported, in addition to the
hacks to the non-free drivers.
Masih banyak lagi,

nokia8x0 Nokia 800,810 http://maemo.org/
Nokia 8×0 capture interface, including support for
FCS validation.
The Nokia drivers appear to exhibit instability while
capturing where they stop reporting packets. This may
be minimized by setting the Network Scan interval to
“never” in the control panel->networking section.
orinoco Lucent, Orinoco Linux Patched orinoco_cs http://airsnort.shmoo.com/orinocoinfo.html
The Orinoco drivers which have mainlined into the Linux
kernel do support monitor mode, however only specific firmware
versions are supported and often they do not work.
An up-ported version of the older Orinoco drivers which more
reliably supported rfmon may be available at: http://www.projectiwear.org/~plasmahh/orinoco.html
Generally, Orinoco cards are not recommended for use with
Kismet due to these limitations.
orinoco_14 Lucent, Orinoco Linux Orinoco 0.14+ https://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/orinoco/
This source is deprecated and should only be used with
pre-release versions of a driver since merged into the Linux
pcapfile n/a Any n/a
Capture interface: ‘/path/to/file’
The pcapfile capture source feeds a stored 802.11-encap
dump file through the Kismet engine again. This can be
useful for debugging or rescanning old logs for
alert conditions. Pcapfile sources are only available
if Kismet was compiled with libpcap support.
prism2_openbsd Prism/2 OpenBSD Kernel
Full support for Prism2 under OpenBSD.
prism54g PrismGT Linux prism54 http://www.prism54.org
PrismGT 802.11g drivers supporting monitor mode.
radiotap_bsd_ab Radiotap BSD Kernel
Dual-band cards with radiotap headers.
radiotap_bsd_a Radiotap BSD Kernel
802.11a cards (or dual-band on 11a channels only) with
radiotap headers.
radiotap_bsd_b Radiotap BSD Kernel
802.11b/g cards (or dual-band on 11b channels only) with
radiotap headers.
rt2400 Ralink 2400 11b Linux rt2400-gpl http://rt2x00.serialmonkey.com/
Ralink 2400 802.11b cards using the serialmonkey GPL’d
rt2x00 drivers. Must use 1.2.2 beta 2 or newer drivers.
rt2500 Ralink 2500 11g Linux rt2500-gpl http://rt2x00.serialmonkey.com/
Ralink 2500 802.11g cards using the serialmonkey GPL’d
rt2x00 drivers. Must use 1.1.0 beta 2 or newer drivers.
rt73 Ralink 73 11g Linux rt73-gpl-cvs http://rt2x00.serialmonkey.com/
Ralink 73 802.11g USB cards using the serialmonkey GPL’d
rt79 drivers (tested only with CVS driver versions)
rt8180 Realtek 8180 11b Linux rtl8180-sa2400 http://rtl8180-sa2400.sourceforge.net/
Realtek 8180 based cards (there seem to be an awful lot of
them) using the GPL drivers.
viha Airport OSX viha http://www.dopesquad.net/security/
Monitor mode support for Airport under OSX. Does not
support Airport Extreme.
vtar5k Atheros 802.11a Linux vtar5k http://team.vantronix.net/ar5k/
vtar5k drivers handle some Atheros 802.11a cards. Chances
are you’ll have better luck with madwifi drivers.
wlanng_legacy Prism/2 Linux wlan-ng 0.1.3 and earlier http://www.linux-wlan.com/
Old wlan-ng drivers didn’t support pcap capturing and
use a netlink socket to the kernel. These are still in
use on some embedded systems (like the Zaurus).
wlanng Prism/2 Linux wlan-ng 0.1.4 – 0.1.9 http://www.linux-wlan.com/
Wlan-ng prism2 drivers prior to the AVS headers.
wlanng_avs Prism/2 Linux wlan-ng 0.2.0+ http://www.linux-wlan.com/
Newer wlan-ng drivers support a new header type and
slightly different monitor commands to report wepped
wrt54g Linksys WRT54G Linux linksys http://seattlewireless.net/index.cgi/LinksysWrt54g
Capture interface: ‘wlX’
Support for the newer firmware versions on the
WRT54G/S/L devices (and any others using the broadcom
reference chipset).
Some systems generate a secondary device, prism0, while
in monitor mode and require special care while channel
hopping, it is no longer necessary to specify the prism0
device explicitly for Kismet.
wsp100 NetChem WSP100 Any n/a http://networkchemistry.com/
Capture interface: ‘host:port’
The WSP100 is an embedded device which reports 802.11
packets over UDP. The wsp100 capture source is
(generally) system agnostic, however over time it has
been less maintained than others. If you’d like to
send me patches for this, please let me know.
zd1211 ZyDAS USB Linux zd1211 http://zd1211.ath.cx
The ZD1211 drivers have had some regressions which lead to
data corruption while changing channel. Some versions
work, and typically the aircrack patches resolve the
corruption issues if your version doesn’t properly handle
Chipsets known to NOT WORK:
Broadcom – No linux drivers, only useable with ndiswrapper or
linuxant wrappers around windows drivers.
*** UPDATE ***
See the bcm43xx source type entry. There are
experimental reverse-engineered drivers which have
monitor mode support now under Linux! If they don’t
work, however, then too bad.
Airport Extreme – Really a Broadcom, with no rfmon in the OSX drivers.
*** UPDATE ***
See the bcm source for linux on ppc, it MAY work, it
may not. Currently theres no solution for OSX but
I’m looking for OSX hackers interested in redoing the
Kismet port and looking into adding more support.
Atmel – There is a hack for pseudo-monitor in USB. There is
currently no equivalent hack for PCMCIA.
HermesII – Proxim successor to the Orinoco/HermesI. No support
yet in the drivers, may be available in the future.
ndiswrapper – Anything using ndiswrapper is using WINDOWS drivers

Nah, dari sana anda perhatikan wifi anda dengan card yang support. Untuk mencocokkannya, gunakan aja utility dari aircrack-ng yaitu airmon-ng. Tinggal ketik aja airmon-ng :

Interface Chipset Driver
wlan0 Unknown ndiswrapper
Ternyata wifi saya nich makek ndiswrapper. ternyata blum bisa. soalnya card saya sebenarnya bcm4312dan sangat terbaru, tentunya blum ada driver linux yang support dengan kismet. Kepaksa makek driver windows deh untuk linuxnya.
Anggap saja punya saya support ya dengan driver b43 misalnya. Tinggal atur de file konfig si kismet yang berada di /etc/kismet/kismet.conf :
#vim /etc/kismet/kismet.conf

Yang paling penting itu, cari file ini lo.

# User to setid to (should be your normal user)
# Sources are defined as:
# source=sourcetype,interface,name[,initialchannel]
# Source types and required drivers are listed in the README under the
# The initial channel is optional, if hopping is not enabled it can be used
# to set the channel the interface listens on.
# source=none,none,addme
source=zd1211,wlan1,zd1211rw – [phy2]
Yang nick ntu tinggal ganti dengan user login anda. Kemudian source=XXX,XXX,XXX isikan sesuai dengan driver yang terdeteksi oleh airmon-ng tadi.
Langkah terakhir, tinggal jalanin de kismetnya dengan akses root :


Saatnya kismet beraksi. saatnya anda melakukan hacking wifi. Pokoke gampang dan enak banget lah bisa maling mac orang untuk ngenet dikampus.

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